How To Generate a Small Business Marketing Idea From Scratch

In the United States, approximately 47% of small business owners manage marketing completely on their own. Since 81% of consumers do research online before purchasing, small business owners need to establish themselves.

While it's entirely possible to run marketing campaigns independently, many small business owners find it challenging to generate a small business marketing idea that takes flight. Don't worry; you just need to learn what areas to focus on first, and the ideas will start flowing.

Keep reading this guide to learn how to generate unique small-business marketing ideas to take your business to the next level!

Tell Your Unique Brand Story

The first step of any marketing plan is to connect with your target customers. The best way to do this is to tell your brand story in a way that leaves a lasting impression.

Telling your brand story also helps you develop unique business marketing ideas that fully incorporate your brand identity.

Authentic brands have a compelling story that tells people how they came to do what they do.

So, start reflecting on your entire journey as a small business owner. Think about what inspired you to create your products and services. Write down your story in your website's "About Us" section. Include major milestones accomplished each year and visuals to draw people in.

Share it on social media to catch the interest of potential customers.

Eventually, people will associate your brand with your products and services. This makes you more trustworthy and recognizable in people's eyes.

You'll also be able to come up with a digital marketing strategy based on your brand story.

Start a Referral or Reward Program

Starting a rewards program is a simple but effective marketing strategy that small business owners tend to overlook. Many business owners assume that these types of programs are better for larger companies with more customers.

However, rewards programs can be just as effective for your small business. These programs help you get more leads and keep your current customers coming back for more.

The best part about this type of program is that you can customize it in your own unique way. You can use rewards cards to track how many purchases a customer makes. Once they spend a certain amount, you can give them a discount or even a free product or service.

You might also consider rewarding customers who follow you on social media and share your posts. Customers that refer family or friends can receive a discount on future products and services.

Don't be afraid to get creative and make changes to keep things exciting for your customers.

Send Email Newsletters

Sending out monthly email newsletters is a fantastic way to maintain relationships with your current customers.

You can use plenty of marketing platforms to create email newsletters, such as Mailchimp. You can find free plans that allow you to send newsletters to a specific number of subscribers.

You can use your website to promote the newsletter by creating a place where new subscribers can sign up with their email. Offering incentives like discounts on specific products to increase sign-up rates is best.

Email newsletters allow you to get people's attention, and you can mention your brand story and discuss future products and upcoming sales. You can also highlight holiday events and keep things light.

Overall, sending out a monthly email is an easy way to keep reminding your customers to pay you a visit.

Create and Publish New Content Regularly

Publishing new content regularly is a great way to increase business growth. When you publish informative and valuable content, you establish yourself as an expert in your industry.

You can begin by creating a company blog on your website. This will help you connect with customers visiting your website. You should also create content that includes:

  • White papers
  • E-books
  • Case studies
  • Newsletters
  • Podcasts
  • Videos

Including visuals like infographics in your content can help people connect to your posts quickly and share them on social media.

Once you get your blog going, you must share your content on social media daily. Sharing content will help you establish your social media presence on multiple channels like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

LinkedIn is great for sharing case studies, research, and other product updates.

Creating a content calendar will help you stay organized with the content you publish. You can decide when and where you'll publish content each day.

After a while, you can think of more unique marketing ideas from the content you publish. For example, maybe you had a good result after posting some videos. You could then create a video series and post a new weekly episode.

Be sure to look at other websites like to get a good idea of what type of content brings people in.

Use SEO Tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will maximize your visibility and get you on the front page of search engine results. After all, you can publish the best content, but people have to be able to find it easily.

This is where SEO comes in. The great thing about SEO is that many free tools are available. Free keyword tools like WordStream will help you find popular keywords for your business industry. This will help you better understand what your potential customers are searching for.

You can then incorporate these keywords into your website and blog content to make it easier for people to find you.

Once you get the basics down, you can think about getting professional SEO help in the future. Professional marketing companies can help you create a robust SEO plan that will help you with website optimization and local SEO.

SEO will help you find your ideal customer and keep them coming back for more.

Take Your Small Business Marketing Idea to the Next Level

Now that you know the best ways to generate a winning small business marketing idea, you can begin working on your marketing campaign.

Remember, continue to research daily to see what other businesses are doing. This will help you think of ways to get your business to stand out against the competition.

To learn more helpful business and marketing tips and tricks, be sure to visit the rest of our blog today!

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