16. The fourth Buddhist council was held during the reign of ........ at Kashmir under the chairmanship of Vasumitra
17. The king who convened the third Buddhist coucil was
18. The king who followed Buddhism is
19. The meaning of a word Buddha is a person who knows
20. The second Buddhist coucil was convened at ......... around 383 B.C
21. Tripitakas is the religious text of
22. Vinayapitaka mainly deals with
23. What are the four fold truths ?
24. What are the Tripitakas?
25. What was the original name of Buddha?
26. Which of the following was a teaching of Buddha?
27. Who among the following was sent to Srilanka by Ashoka to preach Buddhism?
28. Who was born in Kapilavastu in Nepal in 563 B.C
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