Explore the realm of consumer rights with our curated collection of trivia questions and answers. Whether you're a savvy shopper, a consumer advocate, or simply interested in understanding your rights as a buyer, our repository offers a wealth of insights. Delve into topics such as consumer protection laws, product warranties, fair trade practices, and the role of consumer advocacy organizations. Each trivia question is meticulously crafted to test your knowledge and spark your curiosity about the rights and responsibilities of consumers in the marketplace. From understanding your rights to seek redress for faulty products to learning how to spot deceptive advertising practices, our trivia provides a comprehensive exploration of consumer rights in today's economy.
1. Which of the following does not fall under consumer rights
2. ................. provides the adequate and accurate information about quality, quantity, purity, standard and the price of the goods and services.
3. ................... provides a fair settlement of genuine grievances relating to the performance, grade, quality, etc. of goods and services.
4. .................... provides consumer associations, educational institutions and policy makers can play an important part.
5. ...................... provides the consumer must be assured whenever possible access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices.
6. ....................... provides a safeguard for consumers against goods and services which are hazardous to health.
7. ......................... provides the consumer to approach the government and public bodies when decisions and policies are made, which can hamper consumer interests.
8. Six rights 1)right to safety, 2)right to be informed,3)right to choose,4) right to be heard,5)right to seek redressal and 6) right to consumer education were first seen by
9. The consumers right to be informed about the true benefits of a product has led to specific proposals regarding
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