Deep Water MCQ Questions Answers Class 12 Online Test 2 for Practice

Deep Water MCQ questions online test mcq of Deep Water multiple choice questions answers class 12 chapter 3 English Flamingo prose mcqs quiz pdf download 2

Deep Water Questions with Answers

16. What is haunting the author?

17. What did William O Doughlas desire for?

18. What did the author realize while drowning in the pool?

19. What does the title Deep Water' signify?

20. At the age of 3 or 4 Douglas visited the beach with his father. What caused a terror in his heart then?

21. Misadventure at YMCA pool happened when Douglas was

22. What does Douglas call the other boy?

23. Water in the pool had

24. What were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas experienced when he was thrown into the pool?

25. What plans did he make to come to the surface of the pool?

26. Nine feet seems to Douglas like

27. What happened when Douglas tried to yell?

28. How many times did Douglas go down towards the bottom?

29. What did the writer do when he reached home after the incident?

30. How did this experience affect the author?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Deep Water

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