Deep Water MCQ Questions Answers Class 12 Online Test 3 for Practice

Deep Water MCQ questions online test mcq of Deep Water multiple choice questions answers class 12 chapter 3 English Flamingo prose mcqs quiz pdf download 3

Deep Water Questions with Answers

31. What lesson did Douglas learn from his experience of drowning ?

32. Douglas decided to learn swimming with the help of

33. How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer?

34. What plan did Douglas make to learn swimming?

35. What does Douglas do to save himself in the pool?

36. Why did Douglas fail to come to the surface of the pool as he hoped to?

37. Why did Douglas' mother recommend that he should learn swimming at the Y. M.C.A swimming pool?

38. Why did Douglas hire an instructor?

39. “I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain of life fell”. What does oblivion mean?

40. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?

41. What was stopping Douglas to get into the waters of Cascade?

42. How did Douglas make sure that he had conquered the old terror?

43. What distance Douglas covered while swimming across the lake Wentworth?

44. Where was the lake Wentworth?

45. At the end of the experience, Douglas felt


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