106. Trading account is
107. Branches are units physically segregated from the main office called
108. In which principal transaction and events are recorded in the books of account and presented in thefinancial statement in accordance with their substance and not legality.
109. Assets having no physical existence but are represented by rights in certain things are called----------------
110. Why use prepare trial balance
111. For what use are preparing profit and loss a/c
112. In which method trial balance is prepared with the balance of ledger account
113. Capital receipts will not affect ------------------- and ------------------a/c
114. Adjustment given in the ---------------------- is known as hidden adjustment
115. The lessee may be permitted to recoup short working for a few years only is called
116. Which principal is known as basic principal of accounting
117. Which one of these not shown in trading account
118. Which loss is due to the nature of goods consigned
119. Royalty is an
120. The modern system of accounting owes to
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