First World War MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of First World War MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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MCQ quiz on First World War multiple choice questions and answers on First World War MCQ questions on First World War objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs, and competitive exams.

First World War Questions with Answers

1. The First World War took place from

2. After the First World War which flower became associated with remembrance in the UK?

3. How many British soldiers, sailors and airmen died in combat during the First World War

4. How many countries took part in the First World War?

5. How many former Scouts were killed during fighting in the First World War?

6. In January 1918 a worldwide flu pandemic started and lasted for about 2 years. Which killed more people?

7. What sort of jobs did Scouts has not done during the First World War?

8. What sort of jobs did women do during the First World War


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on First World War

First World War Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

First World War Trivia Quiz

First World War Question and Answer PDF Online

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