Harrapan Indus Valley Civilization Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Harrapan Indus Valley Civilization multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Harrapan Indus Valley Civilization Questions with Answers

16. The local name of Mohenjodaro is

17. The people of Indus valley civilization built their houses of

18. Which of the following animals are not known for Indus valley civilisation

19. Which one of the following animals was not represented on the seals and terracotta art of the Harappan culture

20. Which one of the following Indus valley civilization site gives evidence of a dockyard

21. Which one of the following was not known to Harappans

22. Who discovered the Indus valley civilization


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Harrapan Indus Valley Civilization

Harrapan Indus Valley Civilization Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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