Jim Crow Laws MCQ Questions Answers
1. What were Jim Crow laws primarily designed to enforce?
2. In what region of the United States were Jim Crow laws most commonly enforced?
3. What Supreme Court case upheld the legality of racial segregation under Jim Crow laws?
4. What was the famous phrase that justified racial segregation under Jim Crow laws?
5. Which of the following was a common feature of Jim Crow laws?
6. Jim Crow laws were enacted during which period?
7. Who was Jim Crow?
8. Which form of transportation was commonly segregated under Jim Crow laws?
9. What did Jim Crow laws primarily restrict?
10. What was one method used to prevent African Americans from voting under Jim Crow laws?
11. Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution was supposed to protect African Americans from discrimination?
12. What type of laws were passed to counteract Jim Crow laws?
13. What was the impact of Jim Crow laws on education?
14. Which landmark case in 1954 challenged the legality of Jim Crow laws in public education?
15. How did Jim Crow laws affect public transportation?
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