121. Trading down is a method of product line modification by.
122. ..........means placement of company product or products in the minds of target consumers relative to the competitive products
123. Warehousing creates .........utility
124. Which concept is based on the principle that marketing is not a department but it is pervasive throughout the company.
125. Profit through Customer Satisfaction Is aimed in which concept
126. Where sellers combine several products in the same package is known as
127. Medical treatment with ayurvedic massage is an example of
128. Multilevel marketing is also called
129. ..........is not a post test to evaluate advertising effectiveness
130. Yellow goods include ..........goods.
131. General rural markets where rural /tribal people gather once or twice a week on afixed day to exchange/to sell their produce is called
132. Markets located in the heart of the region specializing in few crops like banana, onions etc are called
133. Permanent rural market with continuous trading activity is called
134. Markets which are organized and regulated by statutory measure are
135. Branding is a function of
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