Discover the key to unlocking human potential with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Motivation. Whether you're a student studying psychology, a professional looking to enhance workplace productivity, or simply intrigued by the intricacies of human behavior, our quizzes delve deep into the fascinating realm of motivation. Explore theories such as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory, and the expectancy theory of motivation. Gain insights into the factors that drive individuals to achieve their goals and fulfill their desires. From intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to the role of rewards and recognition, our MCQs cover a wide range of topics essential for understanding the dynamics of human motivation. Whether you're preparing for exams, conducting research, or seeking to apply motivational principles in real-world scenarios, our quizzes provide a valuable resource for enhancing your knowledge and mastering the art of motivation.
1. Contingency theories of leadership based upon
2. Expectancy theory asserts that “instrumentality” the probability that a particular level of performance will lead to particular outcomes or consequences.
3. Feature(s) of Maslow's need hierarchy theory is (are):
4. From an expectancy theory framework of motivation, a reward system designed to promote competition and risk taking would be successful with..............workers.
5. Model of leadership based on which aspects of a leader's decision is Vroom and Yetton's contingency?
6. Needs, setting standards and maintaining discipline, and appointing sub-leaders according to Adair's approach, called as
7. The basic components of..........are effort, performance, and outcomes.
8. The effectiveness of a leader is dependent upon meeting............areas of need within the workgroup.
9. The Ohio State Leadership Studies revealed.............and initiating structure as two major dimensions of leadership behavior.
10. The.............leadership style is an expression of the leader's trust in the abilities of his subordinates.
11. Which of the following is NOT a “pull” force of motivation?
12. Which of the following is NOT an internal motivational force?
13. Within the context of the job characteristics model, involved when a machine designer knows that her schematics are correct, as very few are rejected by the machine shop.
14. Work attitudes can be reflected in an organization through
15. Which of the following is NOT a content theory?
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