Embark on a comprehensive exploration of Public Economics with our extensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers. Whether you're a student delving into the principles of government spending and taxation, a policymaker shaping economic policies, or a researcher studying the impact of public interventions on economic outcomes, our repository offers invaluable insights. Explore topics such as public goods, taxation principles, welfare economics, fiscal policy, and government budgeting. Each multiple-choice question is meticulously crafted to challenge your understanding and stimulate critical thinking about the complexities of public economic policies. From understanding the role of government in market interventions to analyzing the efficiency of public spending, our MCQs provide a comprehensive exploration of all facets of Public Economics. Start exploring today to deepen your knowledge and contribute to informed decision-making in public policy domains!
1. The equity principle of taxation was propounded by
2. The existence of economic inequalities among the states is known as
3. The final resting place of the burden of tax is called
4. The Finance Commission does all the following functions except one, which is that?
5. The Finance Commission in India is appointed by
6. The finance commission is appointed every
7. The financial year in India starts from
8. The First Finance Commission was appointed in the year
9. The first state to introduce VAT was
10. The FRBM Act was passed in
11. The government which taxes the least is the best, is the belief of
12. The Great Depression occurred during
13. The idea of ..Democratic Decentralization in India was popularized by
14. The ideal system of public Finance is one where the net benefit is
15. The income of the government through all its sources is called
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