Embark on an insightful exploration of Public Expenditure with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers. Whether you're a student studying government budgeting, a policymaker shaping public spending priorities, or an economist analyzing fiscal policy, our repository offers invaluable insights. Explore topics such as types of government expenditures, budgetary processes, fiscal sustainability, expenditure policies, and public finance management. Each multiple-choice question is meticulously crafted to challenge your understanding and stimulate critical thinking about the complexities of public expenditure allocation and management. From understanding the role of government spending in economic stabilization to analyzing its impact on income distribution and social welfare, our MCQs provide a comprehensive exploration of all facets of Public Expenditure. Start exploring today to deepen your knowledge and contribute to informed discussions on fiscal policy matters!
1. According to HC Adams public expenditure has to perform the
2. An empirical law to the effect of growing public expenditure was propounded by
3. Bharat Nirman, MGNREGA are examples of
4. Debts that are repaid at some specific future date are known as
5. Debts which have to be paid at some specific future date are known as
6. External debts can be raised from
7. External loans are raised from
8. Fiscal federalism deals with
9. Interest payments are a part of
10. Loans taken by the government for purpose of war, earthquakes for covering budget deficit are
11. Pick out the factor which is not a part of revenue budget
12. Pick out the feature which is not applicable to a good budget
13. Pick out the feature which is not true in the case of repudiation of debt
14. Pick out the feature which is not true of a capital levy
15. Pick out the item which is not a part of capital budget
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