16. Particles within a solid
17. The compressibility of solids is generally
18. The particles in a liquid are usually
19. To describe a gas, which is incorrect statement:
20. To describe a liquid, you could say:
21. To describe a solid, which is incorrect statement:
22. Two gases with unequal masses are injected into opposite ends of a long tube at the same time and allowed to diffuse toward the center. They should begin to mix
23. Water drops stay together on wax paper and they don’t break apart easily. This is mainly because:
24. When a thermometer is cooled, the red liquid inside the thermometer moves down. This is mainly because:
25. When a thermometer is heated, the red liquid inside the thermometer moves up. This is mainly because:
26. When energy as heat is applied to a liquid-vapor system at equilibrium, a new equilibrium state will have
27. When you bring two drops of water near each other and allow them to touch, they combine immediately and become one drop. This is mainly because:
28. When you heat a sample of a solid, the particles that make up the solid:
29. When you heat a sample of a solid, the sample gets a little bigger. This is mainly because:
30. When you heat a sample of gas, what happens to the particles that make up the gas?
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