31. One advantage that MOSFET transistors have over bipolar transistors is
32. The 54XX TTL IC series is the military version and has
33. The abbreviated designation for input current with a HIGH input is
34. The abbreviated designation for input current with a LOW input is
35. The abbreviated designation for output current with a HIGH output is
36. The abbreviated designation for output current with a LOW output is
37. The abbreviated designator for a HIGH input voltage is
38. The abbreviated designator for a HIGH output voltage is
39. The abbreviated designator for a LOW input voltage is
40. The abbreviated designator for a LOW output voltage is
41. The abbreviation TTL means
42. The CMOS series that is pin compatible with the TTL family is the
43. The difference between VOH and VIH voltages is known as
44. The input transistor (Q 1) of a TTL gate acts like
45. The input transistor on a TTL circuit is unusual in that it has
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