16. What are transients?
17. What is a user role that is unique to WordPress Multisite?
18. What is the core mission of WordPress?
19. What is the correct order of parameters for the add_action() function?
20. What is the default priority for an action hook or filter?
21. What is the difference between an action and a filter?
22. What is the name of the open-source project that serves as a bug tracker and project management tool for WordPress?
23. What is the process of marking the code you write so that it is ready for translation?
24. What is the role of a WordPress theme?
25. What service is used to manage user profile photos across any WordPress site?
26. What technique would you use to secure data before rendering it to a user?
27. What user role would you assign to someone so they can write and publish only their posts and no one else's?
28. What would you do to improve your site's performance?
29. What's the primary difference between template tags prefaced with the versus get_the?
30. When should you edit core WordPress files?
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