61. Akismet is a plugin that comes automatically installed with WordPress. What does it do?
62. For the majority of modern themes, what is the standard method used to customize various details of site appearance and features, such as changing the site description or adding a logo and favicons?
63. How many minutes does it take to install WordPress according to the "Famous X-Minute Installation" instructions on WordPress.org?
64. How would you use CSS to ensure your theme was mobile responsive?
65. If you activate or update a plugin and it breaks your site so that you cannot manage it via wp-admin, how can you disable the plugin?
66. If you have pretty permalinks enabled on a WordPress site, the REST API index is exposed by appending what to the end of the site URL? (for example, http://example.com/answer/) Note that the index provides information regarding which routes are available for that particular WordPress install.
67. If you wanted to debug some JavaScript, which method would you use to display data in your browser console?
68. If you wanted to register a custom post type, which hook would you use?
69. If your WordPress site is seriously compromised, what is the best course of action to return your site to good health?
70. In a standard template file, how often does the WordPress Loop run?
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